NCER and NPIMG/Data to Insight invite you to the 2021 Strategic Use of Data in Children’s Services conference in partnership with the LGA focussing on social care data.
We will be discussing ways councils can make better use of education and social care data and analysis tools available to them and look at ways in which they can support policy development and decision making.
The event is open to local authority senior officers with responsibility for, or interest in, education services and school improvement, virtual schools, children’s social care, looked after children or children in need.
Agenda 14:00-16:50
14:00 Welcome & Who are NCER \ NPIMG
Richard Stiff (NCER Chair)
14:05 Our seat at the table: How NPIMG supports local children’s services performance work on a national scale
Alastair Lee (East Sussex LA - NPIMG Chair)
Colin Foster (Northampton Children’s Trust- Chief Executive)
14:15 NCER Systems & Services - breadth of NCER offer to Local Authorities
Donna Ross (East Sussex LA – NCER Communications and Marketing Director)
14:25 NCER Demonstration of currently available products supporting work with Looked After Children
Edd Shackleton (Southampton LA - NCER Development Director)
Paul Caladine (Calderdale LA - NCER Technical Support Director)
14:55 Local Authority use of NCER CLA Analysis
Matthew Cooke (Suffolk LA – Virtual School Head)
15:15 Unlocking your statutory datasets: how to increase the value of data you already have
Alistair Herbert (East Sussex LA - Data to Insight – Data to Insight Manager)
Jean Mallo (Wandsworth LA - Performance Management)
Teresa Hills (Wandsworth LA - Head of Service, Referral and Assessment)
15:45 NPIMG NCER Q&A / short break
15:55 NCER Demonstration of new products supporting the local authority role in support of Children In Need
Edd Shackleton (Southampton LA - NCER Development Director)
Paul Caladine (Calderdale LA - NCER Technical Support Director)
16:15 NCER Q & A
16:20 Six hundred colleagues: resource-pooling for rapid and responsive data development
Alistair Herbert (East Sussex LA - Data to Insight – Data to Insight Manager)
Christopher Owen (Social Finance – Associate)
Sara Guerreiro de Sousa (Social Finance – Data & Insights Associate)
16:40 NPIMG Q&A
16:45 Closing Statement
Alastair Lee (East Sussex LA - NPIMG Chair)